“I was an agnostic but now I believe in God.” These were the words of a shirtless blood spattered young man who escaped the bullets of last Sunday’s massacre in Las Vegas. In a brief interview, he described the horrors that took place as thousands of bullets rained down on the estimated 22,000 concertgoers. He had used his clothing as bandages trying to help the wounded. His statement, “I was an agnostic but now I believe in God”, speaks volumes. It indicates another Helper was working and already bringing good out of such an evil tragedy—the Holy Spirit. “But when he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth” (Joh 16:13 NIV). This event and those of the past two months should remind every human of just how fragile life is and we should never take it for granted. All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall (1 Pet.1:24 NIV).
Most, if not all people, begin life with the attitude they are invincible. I’ve never known a young healthy child worried about dying. However at some point, the reality that life will end hits us square in the face. This epiphany may come out of a tragedy in which friends die; it may happen when we experience a personal brush with death; or with the death of a parent or a close loved one. David grew up a carefree young man guarding his father’s sheep probably with little concern about death. He showed no worry of dying when he faced Goliath. But he would soon see death all around him in war and then Saul sought to end his life. Later as King he wrote, “O Lord, help me understand my mortality and the brevity of life! Let me realize how quickly my life will pass (Psa 39:4 NET)!
The central question people have been asking is “Why?” The only appropriate answer I’ve heard came from the President, “an act of pure evil.” We must never forget we live in a sinful dying world filled with sinful people. However, Paul’s reminded us our struggle is not against sinful people. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (Eph 6:12 ESV). Of course, those who do not believe biblical teaching immediately began asking, “Who can we blame?” For those who understand this verse the answer is simple. Satan is the pure evil that causes acts of violence by using sinful people who are in bondage to his lies.
Life is a gift from God; every breath we take is a gift. However, Jesus warned, The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy (Joh 10:10). The devil will use any means, method, or person possible to kill us. In contrast, Jesus ends this verse; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. We are stewards of His gift of life. C.T. Studd said, “Only one life twill soon be past and only what’s done for Christ will last. God has given us our life and he expects us to manage and use our life wisely to His glory that is to be a wise steward of it.”
Only a few months ago, two friends I had discipled and mentored died. I asked God, why these young men. They were talented and gifted with so many more potential years of life. Why was I, almost twice their age much closer the end of life, still here? The Holy Spirit gently said that my appointed time had not yet come and He still had a purpose of me. Personalizing a quote from John Piper I remind myself daily, my time is precious; my life is fragile; life is short; eternity is long. I must make every minute count. At the 911 memorial, someone prayed, “In this dark time, may our words be beams of light not clouds of darkness.” The young man in the opening paragraph said his sister had been encouraging him to start believing in God. When the shooting began, she grabbed him and they ran, but each time bullets came near they fell on the ground and she lay on top of him, saying, “I love you Taylor, I love you.” Her love was a beaming light in the mist of darkness through her words and her actions shielding him from danger. He realized the only way he could have escaped alive was that there was a God protecting him.
America has not been the only place with disasters in the past few months and with lives coming to a sudden and unexpected end. Around the world, thousands have died in earthquakes, in landsides, in floods, and hundreds were killed by avalanches caused by heavy snowfall in Pakistan. This does not include the tens of thousands killed in the wars across the globe and by the violence of gangs.
Is any place safe? Only one and that is in Christ covered by His armor of the Spirit. He will cover you with His feathers; you will take refuge under His wings. His faithfulness will be a protective shield (Psa 91:4 HCSB). He will keep you until your appointed time. You ask, “what about those who died?” It was their appointed time.
Sustaining Word for the Week: “O Lord, help me understand my mortality and the brevity of life! Let me realize how quickly my life will pass (Psa 39:4 NET)! Time is precious. Life is fragile. Be prepared for eternity.