“Dr. G, it is past time for the funeral to begin and the minister hasn’t showed up. He knew that we scheduled it for 3:00 PM. We can’t wait any longer.” I learned I should always prepare for this scenario after working with this pastor who never arrived anywhere on time. So, I stepped to the pulpit and conducted the funeral service. He arrived about twenty minutes later. He soon learned if we scheduled a meeting for an appointed time, after five minutes of waiting I was gone. Waiting beyond a set designated time is not one of my strong virtues. Since I was a kid, I have been punctual and more than not, early. I walked out of doctor’s offices more times than I can count. I told my personal physician a couple of times I would be glad to teach a time management seminar for his staff—never was invited.
Because of this mindset, God has taken me through numerous life lessons about His perspective of time. First, He does not check my Day Planner when working out His will. Typically, we pray something like this. “God, I have to have this by Tuesday at 9:00 AM or my live is over!” On Wednesday, “OK, Lord I somehow made it past the deadline yesterday, but I know tomorrow will be too late.” Then Friday arrives.
Second, instead of a Day Planner, He has an Eternity Planner. We must keep in mind that He created time, is outside the sphere of time, and not confined to limitations of past, present, and future as we are. The Lord established a purpose and plan for every individual on earth in His designated time frame. Twenty-six times scripture records the term ‘appointed time’ in reference to God’s plan. In addition, we find such phrases as these: the time is fulfilled, until the times, My time, the appointed moment, at the proper time, in His own time, and numerous others. Solomon declares, there is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven (Ecc. 3:1).
However, as finite being, because we cannot comprehend the idea of eternity or the timelessness of God, we often attempt to confine the infinite God to our schedule. The Lord promised Abraham and Sarah they would birth a son. After twenty-five years, they reasoned by their concept of time, the hope of a son was gone because of their old age. But Isaac was born at God’s appointed time. So Sarah conceived and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the appointed time of which God had spoken to him (Gen 21:2). Jesus was born at an appointed time. But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son (Gal 4:4). At the appointed moment, Christ died for the ungodly (Rom 5:6). Gabriel explained to Daniel that the future events concerning Israel and the end would come at the appointed time.
The Lord planned every detail of our life. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. (Psa 139:16). The steps of a man are established by the LORD (Psa 37:23). God has a plan, but we must choose to obey—if anyone chooses to do God’s will . . . (John 7:17). God created man with freewill. We possess the ability of either obeying God or refusing His plan. But the Pharisees and experts in the law rejected God’s purpose for themselves . . . (Luke 7:30). Just as these Jewish leaders, we also can reject God’s purpose.
We can grow impatient when waiting for His time and get ahead of Him. Before God’s appointed time, Abraham and Sarah attempted to give God some assistance. In their effort to expedite His promise, Ishmael was born by Sarah’s handmaiden, Hagar. Their culture accepted this practice, but God’s plan was fulfilled according to His method and schedule. Both suffered painful consequences because of Ishmael. God intended for Abraham to bear a son through his wife Sarah. We should take this as a warning and not attempt to help Him out when we think He is late. We will only produce our own Ishmael, and suffer because of our impatience.
God has tempered me through many years of international travel waiting in airports for delayed flights. I finally realized God was in control and my impatience didn’t bring my airplane a minute sooner. God appointed a proper time for every footstep we take. What we perceive as delay may be that God knows we are not ready, or He is making others ready. Often God is fitting His plan for us into His overall scheme for the world.
Sustaining Word for the Week: Although God is never late, His appointed time is never early; He is always on time. Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord (Psalms 27:14).