
I’m often asked the question, “Why God allows bad things to happen to good people?” I was asking myself this morning, why my computer had dumped my finalized Sustaining Word over night. I tried to rewrite it, but wasn’t getting anywhere when the LORD put this thought on my mind. Maybe the other one was lost because someone really needs this particular thought for the week. Only God knows.

There is no absolute definitive answer to all our whys. First, we should note that asking God why is not a sin. David asked God why; Habakkuk asked God why; and even Jesus asked why—My God, why have you forsaken me? In each of these accounts, God never answered this question. Even though Habakkuk didn’t receive the clarity he desired, he concluded that God was in control and declared, Yet I will exult in the LORD, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation (Hab 3:18). We must always remember that God is Sovereign or simply put, God can do whatever He desires. However, we know that God is good and no evil is found in Him. So, whatever He does is good. As parents we have to do things to our children they don’t perceive as good. None of my children ever thought the vaccinations they received were good. But we knew, even though the shots were painful, it would prevent them from contracting certain diseases. No child believes that a spanking or other means of discipline is good. For my children, their worst discipline was sitting on the couch in my office for a talk with Dad. We are God’s children and for those whom the LORD loves He disciplines (Heb 12:6).

Another factor people often forget is that we have a powerful enemy —Satan— working to steal and kill and destroy us. Since our first parents, Adam and Eve, chose to follow Satan’s way, mankind has been in a battle. The devil wanted to destroy the LORD but he lost that battle when Christ was crucified and resurrected three days later. Now he seeks to steal and kill and destroy us. Many of the bad things that happen to us are caused by the devil. I know some are already asking the question, “Why does God allow Satan to attack us?” My answer, “I don’t know.” And none of us will know the total answer until we enter heaven. We are given a few glimpses of the answer: Satan was allowed to come against Job for God’s glory; Jesus told His disciples that a man was born blind so that the works of God might be displayed in him (John 9:3); Why didn’t Jesus heal the man at the gate called Beautiful? He probably walked by Him many times. Maybe it was so that the works of God might be displayed through His disciples. We are still left with ‘whys’ that leaves us to put our faith in God.

There are bad things that begin happening to us that we have power through the Holy Spirit to stop. We always need the spiritual gift of discernment to distinguish if it is God accomplishing His purpose or if it is Satan working to steal and kill and destroy us. Donna and I have days when everything is going wrong. Then we realize it’s not God or the daily struggles of life, but Satan causing this. Then we can deal with the issues appropriately. I’ll write about this later.

We must always remember, we don’t deserve any of God’s goodness. A noted theologian was asked by a lady after a teaching session, “why God allows bad things to happen to good people.” He replied, “Madame, if I ever find a good person, I might be able to answer that.” We are all sinners and saved only by His grace through Christ. All of God’s workings in our lives are preparing us for eternity with Him. Why did I lose my other Sustaining Word? God in His goodness must have known someone needed this.

You may be asking, why? Maybe it’s a vaccination, maybe you’re sitting on God’s couch, maybe it’s so that the works of God might be displayed in you, or maybe it’s just Satan working to steal and kill and destroy you. Ask for discernment and wisdom. If it’s God, trust Him and know He is working for your good and His glory.

Sustaining Word for the Week:

As Habakkuk, let us acknowledge by faith that God is in control and declare, Yet I will exult in the LORD, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.


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